STRIVE Future Leaders Education Advancement Partnership (LEAP) focuses on addressing educational and employment barriers faced by justice impacted young adults. The program helps young adults develop life skills and in demand occupational skills needed to obtain livable wage jobs.
Core Program components include:
Workforce activities
Positive youth development groups
College and Career mentoring
Service learning projects
Occupational skills training leading to industry recognized credentials
Internship and job placement
Case management
Expungement and diversion services

program benefits
The program begins with a four-week workshop and meets three days per week for four hours each day. Participants then move into either the workforce, education or training experience portion of the initiative.
Case Managers assist with service learning projects, resume writing, interview training, job shadowing, and/or internship and job placement. There is a focus on the following in-demand sectors: construction trades; hospitality, culinary, healthcare; and information technology.
For orientation dates, potential participants should contact Talia Gore Prince at (619) 674-9382.
ELIGIBiLity requirements:
Between the ages of 18-24 years on the date of enrollment.
Currently or previously involved with the justice system, including alternatives to incarceration programs such as a juvenile diversion program.
Currently reside in Southeast San Diego (determined by census tract).
how to help
Apply to be a mentor.
Provide internships, job opportunities, job leads in building trades, healthcare, information technology or office administration.
Underwrite celebration activities and/or incentives. Celebration activities range from a group party, to an individual congratulatory lunch or gift card. (These activities are not covered under current funding.)
If you are an individual or company interested in mentoring, providing internships, job leads or job opportunities, contact Talia Gore Prince at (619) 674-9382.